"There is nothing in the world that resembles God as much as silence." ~Meister Eckhart
Centering Prayer is a type of silent, meditative prayer by which a person opens themselves to the divine. You can read more about Centering Prayer here on the Contemplative Outreach website.
The format of the group includes an opening chant or reading, twenty minutes of silent prayer practice, a lectio divina practice, and finally a sharing time.
Newcomers are always welcome, and a brief introduction to the method of Centering Prayer is available upon request.
There are two PCSF-sponsored Centering Prayer groups at this time.
In-Person Group
One group meets in-person centering prayer on the first and third Sundays at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in San Rafael, CA from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
Andrew and Kathryn Lee lead this group. Contact Kathryn for more information.
Virtual Group
The other group meets on the second and fourth Sundays, from 7:00pm – 8:30pm via Zoom.
PCSF Board Member Richard Flout, along with Chris Olson, leads the group. Contact Richard for more information and to receive the link.